Sunday, April 15, 2007

Only five weeks left

So there is only five weeks left of 1st semester 3rd year...this means in July of this year I will be at the half way point. Of course my class will celebrate with a massive day of festivities titled with something appropriate like Half-Way to Insanity, or Half-Way to the Asylum. This is of course because we are all pretty much insane and getting crazier by the minute for actually going through this torture and becoming veterinarians. I must say that sometimes, after 9 years of full time study it starts to get difficult to sit down and write yet another paper. I think I have written way over 100 research papers in my lifetime with more to come I am sure. I will also have another degree under my belt at the end of this year. So strange Dr. Christina Webb BS, BSc, BVMS...time for the age old joke THAT IS A LOT OF BS!!!

On a big plus side, classes are actually still very interesting, maybe because they are more applicable. On the bad side...they still test sooo differently here. At least I am still passing, but not as well as I would have hoped, and here I can study so very hard and yet not get the mark I wanted. It used to be so easy getting the highest grades, working full time + overtime and having time for a social life. It seems harder to balance that now. Maybe, it is because even though this hospitality job is perfect money and a perfect location, it is not what I want to do. I want to be practicing at a veterinary clinic. So first thing, I am going to get a car so I can get a clinic job. Second, no makeup, wont style my hair....wont have bubbly overwhelming personality and try to fit in since apparently I was told I do not at the last clinics. Wish me luck as it still sticks in my head when I got my first hair cut here and I was told most women here dont cut their hair short because they dont like to stick out like you Americans. I should have bitch slapped her, but I did realize it is tough to move forward here if you stand out. Hmmmmm when in the states you are encouraged to stand out, sell yourself, and be an individual.

Or maybe I just had three bad experiences...all I know is I am trying to learn from them because they were very humbling. Still, I will do whatever it takes to get a clinic job again...within reason of course.

I have a seminar to present with my group on Tuesday on the drugs used for treating feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and the drugs to treat canine dilated cardiomyopathy. 20 minutes long and 30 slides. Wish me luck. I also have a prac test in Pathology and even though this is becoming my favorite subject, it is very very hard. We have been messing around with farm animals again in a class called ICE, or Introduction to Clinical Exams. All the usual suspects are there, sheep, goats, cattle, pigs. Horses and the domestic pets are fourth year. I have already learned how to put a stomach tube in the cow and take blood from the tail vein...OUCH. Draw blood and give vaccines to sheep, goats, and cattle. Always in the neck under the ear so as not to damage the meat. Now it will be three weeks of my not so favorite pigs, and on Fridays. 4 hours of pigs every other Friday for 3 whole weeks....oh nooooo.

It has started raining here, wish I had an even longer summer. Oh well next time. Hope everyone back home is doing good. I moved my blog here because I have tried to make comments possible on my other site but it is not working. It should work here though.

Hope to hear from people soon

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