Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Make it stop!!!

Random writings of the goings on at vet school Down Under

So nothing I am studying about nutrition is sticking. It really wont stick. Have I reached my maximum capacity for information holding in my brain space? If I shove more in....will things I do know and need fall out my ears??? I am beginning to wonder if 9 years is the maximum holding capacity for information for full time study. Its ok...breathe, there must be more room in there.....come on only 2 1/2 more years to go....hmmmm must start forgetting irrelevant things.

Happy note....I love my car, and I had a great meal of lamb and steamed vegetables from work. Going to sleep now, I have all day off tomorrow so I will study till I cant do it anymore and just go for it on Thursday....I did get a credit on my Processes of Animal Diseases test!!! D's and HD's are a thing of dreams for this working gal.....

nighty night

1 comment:

kitten said...

nodsnodsnodsnods* I remeber that feeling well! It's like your brain is an overflowing sponge, eh? With all that excess info flowing out like water. I promise you will get over it, but that's just stress talking. Try to relax a bit, k? Sounds like generally you're pretty happy here...I know how the family thing works, believe me and it sucks donkey balls. But what can you do? Try to go on. BTW, this is Kimmie from AiA just so you won't htink Im some nut lol.