Hello Everyone...I am going to be located here and VSNA.com from now on and that is probably it. I do not have time for facebook or myspace and all the weird things happening on there and everyone telling me I should be doing this or I should not be doing that. I will be deactivating my account shortly. That being said it is time to catch up here.
End of Fourth Year
Well, it is finally over and what an intense year it was. I just was able to find out my results and I actually made it through with a Credit which is better than just a pass and better than I thought I would do :) I am very happy with those results and put ALOT of effort into my exams. Now I get to move on!!!!
I have been missing in action for a little bit not only because of finals but because I also went strait into my MPEC 5th year rotation as well. That would be my Murdoch Pet Emergency Centre rotation. 4 ten hour shifts which always turned into 12 hour shifts. I find it hard to leave when there are cases still needing attending to and at MPEC that is 24/7. I did get to see some great cases, practice talking to clients in not so pleasant circumstances, place catheters, draw bloods and run tests. Assist in surgeries etc. I am trying to get out of the vet tech/nurse mode and into Dr mode :) It is proving difficult as I have been doing it for so long...I think I will always clean, organize, draw my own bloods and place my own catheters. The only diference is now instead of saying "does that sound like the way the case should be handled?" I need to really think about it an say "that is the way I think the case should be handled." I am responsible now, I am going to be the vet and people will be asking me what treatments the animals need to be given and doing that for me on many occasions.
The dynamics are twisting and turning and it is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I still cannot wait to finally be a vet though!!!!
5th and Final Year!!!
Hello everyone,
It is hard to believe but I have made it to my 5th and final year here at Murdoch University. It has been quite the long uphill battle to get here and it is almost over. I have already started and am almost finished with my Murdoch extramural rotations. I have done a weeks rotation in the Murdoch Pet Emergency Centre (MPEC). A week in the Murdoch small animal clinic in internal medicine and right now I am finishing the equine live in rotation.
This is what we have all been waiting for. This is what all the long hours of study has brought me to. I have seen or assisted in many endoscopies, broncheoalveolar lavage, chest tube placement, megaoesophagus, hit by cars, dilated cardio myopathy, ultrasounds, surgery for hernia repair, bladder tumour removal, catheter placements, fluid rates, ventilation, nasal oxygen catheter placement, percutaneos gastrotomy tube placement, horse castration, and the list goes on and on and on.
This year we no longer have any lectures. We will all be rotating through the different departments in large and small animal medicine this entire year. We will be orally quizzed constantly and frequently put on the spot. It is time to put everything we have ever learned into practice because we are responsible now. The time is getting near and I cannot wait :)
I Would Not Mate With you if You Were the Last Male on Earth!!!
Did that title get your attention? Let me explain a little. I am well into fifth year rotations. Six weeks in to be exact. I just finished 2 weeks at the Perth Zoo and it was amazing. We were able to get up close and personal with Black Cockatoos, Figi Iguanas, Tamarins, Lions, Elephants, Rhinos, and much more. This two weeks rotation is an in depth wildlife and conservation medicine. I do not know if such a program like this is offered at other schools or not. The big take home lesson is about conservation of course. That is where the title comes in. Members of the public seem to think that if you get two wild animals in the zoo of a different sex then they should breed and add to the dwindling population. That is not the case at all. There is more than one instance where a zoo will do everything it can for one of it's rare animals and no matter what, that animal does not want t mate with the other and would litterally not mate with their chosen partner if they were the last one on earth, which funny enough, can sometimes not be very far from the truth.
Before the wonderful zoo rotation was an intense 2 weeks of clinical pathology and anatomical pathology. It was very good to go over blood test results and biochem results and how to interpret them early in the course. This is the bread and butter of diagnosing in many cases, just never ever forget the importance of a thourough clinical exam. In the necropsy room we had penguins, mice, dog, cats, birds, a cow, a sheep, and a horse. All were clinical cases, and all needed detailed case reports written about them at the end of the day.
Currently I just finished my first week of production animal rotation. This is a four week rotation and is an excellent way to prepare yourself for mixed practice. We have seen a cow c-section, liquid nitrogen used on cow eyes to remove cancer, LOTS of preg testing, learned to bleed sheep on our own without an additional handler etc. Next week is intensive industries with poultry and pigs and all of their medicine and after that is a week far South at the Agricultural Department of WA. I of course am just keeping my figers crossed for more alpacas because I love working with them whenever I get the chance, which has actually been quite alot, but it is never enough.
I am going to keep this blog updated as much as I can and before I know it I will be done and graduated. But dont worry, I plan on blogging here as a veterinarian as well.
Christina Webb
Student Innovative Community Solutions Pty Ltd
Founder VSNA.com
T 61 8 9498 6481
M 61 8 404 103 023
E admin@stinyexoticvet.com
W http://www.vsna.com/
1/2 Way to the Finish Line
Well my friends, I am sorry it has been so long since my last post. They warned me that the fifth and final year would be busy, but it still does not prepare you for the amount of time you are committed to uni.
I am now so very busy but for different reasons. It is not because I am studying my bum off, although I do try to study occassionally. It is because almost every waking moment is spent at some type of rotation. It is fantastic though, dont get me wrong. Being able to apply all I have learned and have not learned now is exactly what I have been striving for these last 11 years. I have done so much (heaps) and I am only half way through.
The year started out with pathology for 2 weeks with the six students I will be rostered with until we graduate. We were taught everything we learned in the past 4 years all in two weeks. Of course we were taught so much more. We had clin path in the morning aka glued to the microscope for hours and hours and then were able to do post mortems in the afternoon. The assesment was intense for the rotation. Haematology exam, Biochemical analysis exam, anatomical pathology exam, patholgy post mortem presentation in front of way too many people, necropsy reports to hand in, client simulation. After one of the most intense rotations, it was off to the zoo.
The zoo rotation was a very nice contrast to the dark halls in pathology. We spent many hours in a tiny warm box going over wildlife lectures. We did have access to cases in the hospital which was great. Assesment was an oral presentation on a subject selected for you and a multiple choice/ short answer exam.
After the zoo, it was off to 4 wonderful weeks of production animal medicine. Preg testing, sheep wrangling, going to farms, cases brought to the clinic etc. One week of intensive industries with pigs and poultry. One week far away staying at the Agricutural department. Assesment was once again alot. There was a huge nutrition assignment, a few papers here and there. The oral presentation to the Agricultural Department, and a lot of exams.
After the 4 weeks of production it was back to the clinic for the most intensive rotations yet and the real reason for my disappearance for so long. I was engulfed by surgery and anaesthesia. I do have to say, that I have learned more and did more in that rotation than in any others. The assesment was through the roof with journal reviews, oral exams, written exams, surgery reports etc etc. Here is where you can really shine and get as much out of it as you would like. Personally, this was one of my favorites even though I am more interested in large animals. We did lots of speys and castrations for the RSPCA and I assisted in spinal surgery, a liver resection, arthroscopy and I got to do an FHO myself. I had 10,15,20 hour days and was on call on weekends but it was all worth it.
This week, it is small animal specialties with opthalmology, dentistry, and acupuncture. Acupuncture was fascinating especially for someone so geared towards western medicine such as myself. It was a real eye opener and I will never knock it again.
Next week is shelter rotation where we get to spey more cats and dogs. I love the fact we get to do so many surgeries, none of them terminal.
Hopefully I can blog on here while I am doing my special topics rotation in the USA. I will be leaving the 29th for the Camelid Medicine and Surgery course at UMass and Cornell. Anyone live near Cornell or know someone who wants to have a student? Or Amherst Massachusetts?
Hope everyone is doing well,
Christina Webb
Student Innovative Community Solutions Pty Ltd
Founder VSNA.com
T 61 8 9498 6481
M 61 8 404 103 023
E admin@stinyexoticvet.com
W http://www.vsna.com/
Soon to Be Released on the Unsuspecting Animal Population
Hello Everyone,
I am excited to say that I have only three months until the end of school. This is followed by one month of special topics, exams and registration on December 4th. The registration is with the WA Surgeons Board to actually practice veterinary medicine in Australia. It is very exciting times.
I plan on continuing to be involved in this site after I graduate for all of those who are asking. Please continue to send your friends here and the network can grow.
I am going to start my reproduction rotation followed by equine, radiology, referral medicine and general Practice. I have to make up one week in the Emergency Centre because at the time I was doing my special topics in the USA.
For those interested in veterinary experience, Adirondack Veterinary Hospital in Westport New York is a fantastic place to get a real feel for mixed animal practice. I learned so much from Dr Goldwasser and Dr Diane Dodd. I have 2 weeks of veterinary practical experience left out of my 16 that I need to complete.
After all of the experience I have gained, I have learned my real interest lies in farm animals, especially the alpacas and llamas.
I have done practical work in Perth, Esperence, NSW, UMass, New York, Costa Rica, and California.
Stay tuned to this blog to see where the veterinary program takes me next.
Christina Webb
Student Innovative Community Solutions Pty Ltd
Founder VSNA.com
T 61 8 9498 6481
M 61 8 404 103 023
E admin@stinyexoticvet.com
W http://www.vsna.com
Monday, July 27, 2009
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
3 Years!!!
Forgot to post this July 9th...it was posted on the old site
3 YEARS in the land DOWNUNDER
Its that time again, I have been here three years as of this week and I am out in the middle of absolutely nowhere in the Australian country side on yet another two week vet prac, more on that prac later, but first....
"Always time for a cuppa"
A talk about "tea" and just how important it is to Australians. "Tea" can be the actual tea, or coffee, or any other hot drink, and it is usually accompanied by some sort of cake like item. "tea time" Is very very important, and to this day I still think it is extraordinary that all Australians take time for it. You may have read in my Esperance blogs about how I was riding through the Australian country side full speed on horse back with some rough tough farmers mustering cattle. We would be throwing calves in the mud and castrating them, but half way through, it was tea time. They pulled a table from nowhere and out came coffee, tea, and of course cake in the field as far away from civilization as you could be. These filthy men, and yes filthy me would sit there with our tea "taking the piss" out of each other (that means joking and making fun of)..and gossiping and telling stories. For 30 minutes to an hour, and then back to work. The man I was staying with would make his wife tea every morning and bring it to her in bed. He never forgot. At every vet clinic I have worked at or done prac at, there has been tea time. Someone would walk around and ask who wanted a cup ? Coffee? tea? How do you like it? They would make one for everyone and they would all stand around for just 30 minutes after the morning rush. Smile and chat, and then back to work. Even my own wonderful boyfriend asks every evening "would you like a hot drink?" I love this tradition.
Toasties!! I bet lots of money every single Australian household and so far, vet clinic, will have a sandwich toaster or the equivalent. The toastie is a big thing here and quite good, I just had one tonight Someone has brought a ham and cheese or some type of meat and cheese thing...could be a wrap, but whatever it is, it needs toasted into melty goodness before eating.
Ugg boots!!! Yes, they are tradition here. Male or female, everyone wears them. If you are camping the guys and girls will all have them on. My boyfriend and all his guy friends have them. They are the best invention ever. I do have to say even after being here for three years I have not owned a pair.... until today. Yes, that is right, as a celebration of being in Australia for 3 years I bought myself a pair in this tiny country town and my feet are smiling and have never been so warm. i figured I should go for it when every member of this house hold had a pair and I had freezing feet. Paris Hilton, eat your heart out and the boots are not a fashion statement here, they are practical. I dont think a guy could wear them in the US, but as soon as that guy steps foot on Australian soil he can wear them and nobody would look twice.
And now, on to the news....
Andrew has been accepted into Murdoch nursing school with the plan of going into med school right after. I am so excited to be picking him up from the airport less than three weeks from now. I think he will love it and finally be able to follow his dream. He will be living with me which will be great since my boyfriend Steve has gone back to work on the oil rigs, one month on and one month off at a time. Andrew already has many job opportunities lined up.
Speaking of job opportunities, I have been offered a new job at a vet clinic as head nurse with potential to have a position as a vet when I graduate. For those of you asking the question of am I staying here after I graduate, the answer is yes!!! I love it here, the life style, the time for a life etc. It just means that all of you will have a place to holiday in beautiful Perth Western Australia whenever you feel like visiting.
I just finished the hardest semester of my life. Next semester will be the second hardest and then it is all downhill easypeasy from there until graduation. FINALLY!!! Speaking of graduation, I have had quite a few tell me they would like to visit in 2009 for my graduation so I would like to ask, what would be the best time for everyone??? After Thanksgiving, Before during or after Christmas or New Years? Do remember the seasons are different here, it will be the beautiful summer at these times. Or is March or April better for people? It will start cooling down then. I am asking this so I can plan a graduation party, since it has taken 11 years to accomplish this, it will be a party to remember with family and friends. Let me know if you are interested and what months work and I can start to figure it out.
On to what I am doing now. I always knew and have recently enforced the fact that working on "little white fluffies" was not going to be the veterinary practice for me. I wanted to do wildlife, but you really cant live off providing charity services for the local fauna. I have worked with horses and cows and even though it is interesting, they are huge and hard for me to handle and my arm really cannot reach as far into a horse's or cow's ass as it needs to be for me to actually preg test. I know because I have done it multiple times. So what to do what to do??? I think, I found my calling...it is the lovely alpacas and llamas. I wont go into too much detail but I have come very very far into the country to a rural vet practice for 2 weeks to learn from the best alpaca vet I have ever met, and one of the only serious ones around. This prac has been great with multiple alpaca surgeries and treatments. I have been kicked and I am not dead and nothing is broken, the same could probably not be said if I was kicked by a horse or cow.
A monumental event occured the day before yesterday, I did my first spey of a stray cat. After searching 10 minutes for her uterus and ovaries inside I could not find them, I felt incompetent and the attending vet put on gloves and had a look, she could not find it, then another attending put on gloves and had a look around and he could not find it. This stray had already been speyed long ago. The vets laughed and said that never happened before. So my first spey, there were no parts to actually remove, but my stitch up looked great
Mixed practice is the way to go. And semi rural is even better ...why? You could either give routine vaccines day in day out, check ups etc of small fluffies, or.....a day of mixed practice.
After speying a female dog a call comes in for you to go out and AI some cows. Your colleague goes to check on a lame horse. You come back, share your stories over "tea" and do another fluffy surgery. Next, you need to go outside and round up some alpacas for treatment, and look a new born is on the ground ...how exciting, check it is feeding ok and everything is good. Back inside for some more small fluffies and then someone pulls up outside with a goat that lacerated itself on a fence. It is your neighbors friends uncle and you share more stories together. Later, your local supermarket owner brings in a pup that ate rat bait and its dad who was gored by a pig while hunting. Your colleague is busy stitching up two dogs with horrible wounds caused by a kangaroo. You might be leaving at 7:30 or 8 but it is a satisfying day. The day just flies by and is always interesting and challenging.
What happens after....for me, the family I am staying with has left for the snow for 3 days. I have been driving their massive Hilux through the countryside. It takes 35 minutes to get to and from the clinic. leave at 7am and get back at 6 or 7 pm. It is freezing in this massive country house so I wander around outside with a flashlight (called a torch) pick up some kindling and wood and come in and make a fire in the fire place. Make myself a toastie, let the farm cat and two labradors in to curl up by the fire and read or watch a movie or study the notes from my day some time with a glass of wine. The life of a country vet is not so bad. I like the idea of living on a bit of property. This nine bedroom house is old but has so much character, and three alpacas out back ha ha ha.
So whats next??? I graduate!!!! I turn 30!!!! Scary thought. Andrew will be here for school!!! I get a job at a mixed practice and hopefully do some alpaca work. I continue living the Australian lifestyle and hope to have "no worries mate"
There have been struggles...Keaton has been sick, but is hopefully getting better. He is just getting old but I refuse to face that fact. My financial aid is once again a wreck and I really dont know where the next tuition payment of $16,000 for this semester is going to come from, but you know what, that is how it always has been and it will work itself out somehow.
I just try and stay positive and focus on the good parts.
Hope to hear from everyone and if you are interested in a vacation in 2009 let me know.
3 YEARS in the land DOWNUNDER
Its that time again, I have been here three years as of this week and I am out in the middle of absolutely nowhere in the Australian country side on yet another two week vet prac, more on that prac later, but first....
"Always time for a cuppa"
A talk about "tea" and just how important it is to Australians. "Tea" can be the actual tea, or coffee, or any other hot drink, and it is usually accompanied by some sort of cake like item. "tea time" Is very very important, and to this day I still think it is extraordinary that all Australians take time for it. You may have read in my Esperance blogs about how I was riding through the Australian country side full speed on horse back with some rough tough farmers mustering cattle. We would be throwing calves in the mud and castrating them, but half way through, it was tea time. They pulled a table from nowhere and out came coffee, tea, and of course cake in the field as far away from civilization as you could be. These filthy men, and yes filthy me would sit there with our tea "taking the piss" out of each other (that means joking and making fun of)..and gossiping and telling stories. For 30 minutes to an hour, and then back to work. The man I was staying with would make his wife tea every morning and bring it to her in bed. He never forgot. At every vet clinic I have worked at or done prac at, there has been tea time. Someone would walk around and ask who wanted a cup ? Coffee? tea? How do you like it? They would make one for everyone and they would all stand around for just 30 minutes after the morning rush. Smile and chat, and then back to work. Even my own wonderful boyfriend asks every evening "would you like a hot drink?" I love this tradition.
Toasties!! I bet lots of money every single Australian household and so far, vet clinic, will have a sandwich toaster or the equivalent. The toastie is a big thing here and quite good, I just had one tonight Someone has brought a ham and cheese or some type of meat and cheese thing...could be a wrap, but whatever it is, it needs toasted into melty goodness before eating.
Ugg boots!!! Yes, they are tradition here. Male or female, everyone wears them. If you are camping the guys and girls will all have them on. My boyfriend and all his guy friends have them. They are the best invention ever. I do have to say even after being here for three years I have not owned a pair.... until today. Yes, that is right, as a celebration of being in Australia for 3 years I bought myself a pair in this tiny country town and my feet are smiling and have never been so warm. i figured I should go for it when every member of this house hold had a pair and I had freezing feet. Paris Hilton, eat your heart out and the boots are not a fashion statement here, they are practical. I dont think a guy could wear them in the US, but as soon as that guy steps foot on Australian soil he can wear them and nobody would look twice.
And now, on to the news....
Andrew has been accepted into Murdoch nursing school with the plan of going into med school right after. I am so excited to be picking him up from the airport less than three weeks from now. I think he will love it and finally be able to follow his dream. He will be living with me which will be great since my boyfriend Steve has gone back to work on the oil rigs, one month on and one month off at a time. Andrew already has many job opportunities lined up.
Speaking of job opportunities, I have been offered a new job at a vet clinic as head nurse with potential to have a position as a vet when I graduate. For those of you asking the question of am I staying here after I graduate, the answer is yes!!! I love it here, the life style, the time for a life etc. It just means that all of you will have a place to holiday in beautiful Perth Western Australia whenever you feel like visiting.
I just finished the hardest semester of my life. Next semester will be the second hardest and then it is all downhill easypeasy from there until graduation. FINALLY!!! Speaking of graduation, I have had quite a few tell me they would like to visit in 2009 for my graduation so I would like to ask, what would be the best time for everyone??? After Thanksgiving, Before during or after Christmas or New Years? Do remember the seasons are different here, it will be the beautiful summer at these times. Or is March or April better for people? It will start cooling down then. I am asking this so I can plan a graduation party, since it has taken 11 years to accomplish this, it will be a party to remember with family and friends. Let me know if you are interested and what months work and I can start to figure it out.
On to what I am doing now. I always knew and have recently enforced the fact that working on "little white fluffies" was not going to be the veterinary practice for me. I wanted to do wildlife, but you really cant live off providing charity services for the local fauna. I have worked with horses and cows and even though it is interesting, they are huge and hard for me to handle and my arm really cannot reach as far into a horse's or cow's ass as it needs to be for me to actually preg test. I know because I have done it multiple times. So what to do what to do??? I think, I found my calling...it is the lovely alpacas and llamas. I wont go into too much detail but I have come very very far into the country to a rural vet practice for 2 weeks to learn from the best alpaca vet I have ever met, and one of the only serious ones around. This prac has been great with multiple alpaca surgeries and treatments. I have been kicked and I am not dead and nothing is broken, the same could probably not be said if I was kicked by a horse or cow.
A monumental event occured the day before yesterday, I did my first spey of a stray cat. After searching 10 minutes for her uterus and ovaries inside I could not find them, I felt incompetent and the attending vet put on gloves and had a look, she could not find it, then another attending put on gloves and had a look around and he could not find it. This stray had already been speyed long ago. The vets laughed and said that never happened before. So my first spey, there were no parts to actually remove, but my stitch up looked great
Mixed practice is the way to go. And semi rural is even better ...why? You could either give routine vaccines day in day out, check ups etc of small fluffies, or.....a day of mixed practice.
After speying a female dog a call comes in for you to go out and AI some cows. Your colleague goes to check on a lame horse. You come back, share your stories over "tea" and do another fluffy surgery. Next, you need to go outside and round up some alpacas for treatment, and look a new born is on the ground ...how exciting, check it is feeding ok and everything is good. Back inside for some more small fluffies and then someone pulls up outside with a goat that lacerated itself on a fence. It is your neighbors friends uncle and you share more stories together. Later, your local supermarket owner brings in a pup that ate rat bait and its dad who was gored by a pig while hunting. Your colleague is busy stitching up two dogs with horrible wounds caused by a kangaroo. You might be leaving at 7:30 or 8 but it is a satisfying day. The day just flies by and is always interesting and challenging.
What happens after....for me, the family I am staying with has left for the snow for 3 days. I have been driving their massive Hilux through the countryside. It takes 35 minutes to get to and from the clinic. leave at 7am and get back at 6 or 7 pm. It is freezing in this massive country house so I wander around outside with a flashlight (called a torch) pick up some kindling and wood and come in and make a fire in the fire place. Make myself a toastie, let the farm cat and two labradors in to curl up by the fire and read or watch a movie or study the notes from my day some time with a glass of wine. The life of a country vet is not so bad. I like the idea of living on a bit of property. This nine bedroom house is old but has so much character, and three alpacas out back ha ha ha.
So whats next??? I graduate!!!! I turn 30!!!! Scary thought. Andrew will be here for school!!! I get a job at a mixed practice and hopefully do some alpaca work. I continue living the Australian lifestyle and hope to have "no worries mate"
There have been struggles...Keaton has been sick, but is hopefully getting better. He is just getting old but I refuse to face that fact. My financial aid is once again a wreck and I really dont know where the next tuition payment of $16,000 for this semester is going to come from, but you know what, that is how it always has been and it will work itself out somehow.
I just try and stay positive and focus on the good parts.
Hope to hear from everyone and if you are interested in a vacation in 2009 let me know.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Its Hepatobilliarcinomyopathymomilliary Disease
What I have done and learned in 4th year so far:
#1 I have an entire year of Equine Medicine and Surgery and I have learned Horses were designed poorly (sorry Mom) They really were. They cannot vomit so if they have the slightest stomach ache, it is a huge deal. They seem to want to keel over for everything, they collic all the time, they can break a leg just by running because of all their weight. If they are having birthing complications, forget it I quote a professor "they are all going to die" I heard the joke "Horse medicine always brings you back to the two R's Referral or Rifle" Ha ha But I have gotten to do preg checks via ultrasound. I wont describe where the probe actually goes, but it is very cool to actually see what you have been palpating
Other equine happenings, Dental is tough to do on a horse and their teeth always need work. But it is heaps of fun putting on goggles picking up a massive electrical power floater and going for it. There are many nerve blocks to perform on a horse and for all different reasons. I need to straighten this out before exam time. A stallion mating is a scary very dangerous ordeal.
#2 No matter where you are or who your professor is if they teach repro, they will have the best crude sense of humour ever. Our professor introduces herself as the " Jack Off All Trades" Ha ha Male cows feel very different internally than female cows and you can actually manually stimulate them to give a sperm sample by rubbing a certain spot through the rectum (bet you wanted to know that) Electro ejaculation does not look fun at all in a bull or Ram. Soon we will be pulling calves
#3 Avian exotic and wildlife medicine still fascinates me and I am still such a huge fan of reptiles. The reptile industry and even exotic pet industry is not as big here yet but it is really growing.
#4 Radiology is all about using your "imaginoscope" It truly is. There are countless times when the professor points out a bone lesion on a slide and no matter how hard we look we cant see it at all. And we really cannot see the sunburst spicule pattern of the periosteal new bone. Maybe if I turn my head 90 degrees, squint one eye, pat my head and rub my tummy while hopping on one foot I might see it. Lung patterns are like those dot posters. Has anyone seen those? You stare long enough at a bunch of dots and you see "oh wow, a dolphin" Same with radiology, you can stare and stare and stare at an interstitial lung pattern and I swear I see a dolphin before the pathology I am supposed to be looking for HA HA
#5 Surgery is the most awesome thing in the world. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Gastrotomy, enterectomy, enterotomy all done while the whole time being called Dr. Webb by the professors. We are in teams of three, anaesthetist, assistant and surgeon. I was the surgeon first for my group and it was amazing.
As you can see the first semester of fourth year is almost done and it is all fusing together kind of like the title to this blog. All I can say is I am plowing through this information the best I can. I have a paper due on a case study of a bearded dragon with Metabolic Bone Disease which I remember seeing plenty of them at Wikiup long ago and far away. Thank you Dr. Williams for the great introduction to exotics.
Speaking of exotics, I have applied for a clinical placement at the Melbourne Zoo for a month during the June July break which I really hope I might be able to get. It is very competitive with only 4 people selected out of all of Australia. I will be doing two weeks in Thailand over the Christmas break helping with the spay and neuter of the animals on the island of Koh Phangan. Check them out at PAC
Between those placements I hope to have quite a few weeks of my mandatory 12 weeks in extramural clinics done.
1 week so far at Jandakot Veterinary Hospital
1 week at Success Veterinary Hospital
Only 2 of 4 weeks count at the Melbourne Zoo
2 weeks at PAC in Thailand
Only 6 more to go!!! I am thinking 2 weeks in Esperance again with the large animal vet 1 week with a mixed practice vet that sees many alpaca cases, 2 weeks with a mobile vet that sees many alpaca cases, and 1 week with an ultrasound specialist.
I have to get through 4th year finals first though and they are going to be very tough. Especially the radiology part. I heard that one is absolutely horrible.
On the home front, the little cat Sebastian the Crab man has beaten all odds and he is a big beautiful pure white male cat. Even took a chance and had him castrated and vaccinated and everything went fine. I think his body has fought off the Coronavirus for now and his titers would be very very low. No FIP will get this little guy.
Steve has gone back out the oil rigs for the whole 3 weeks on 3 weeks off shifts. I miss him of course but it is great money and I am so busy studying and pracs and rotations that there is no better time to do that job than now. I joined a gym and go three times a week and it is a great feeling. It gives me heaps of energy and I wont complain about the hour long Latin Fever class at all. You work your abs, butt, and thighs to Latin music. Could there be any more perfect gym class for me ha ha!
I have finally quit the hospitality industry after 8 long years. No more passing beer over the counter to really drunk idiots and staying very late at night cleaning up huge messes. No more "would you like cracked pepper with that?" I try to work twice a week at the veterinary hospital and will pick up more shifts when it is possible. Everyone cut back their hours or even quit work altogether this year if possible.
So back to studying and finishing this paper I go. Sorry blogs are so infrequent now, I will try to be more frequent but it just seems like there is always something school related that has to get done.
Love everyone and hope to hear from you
#1 I have an entire year of Equine Medicine and Surgery and I have learned Horses were designed poorly (sorry Mom) They really were. They cannot vomit so if they have the slightest stomach ache, it is a huge deal. They seem to want to keel over for everything, they collic all the time, they can break a leg just by running because of all their weight. If they are having birthing complications, forget it I quote a professor "they are all going to die" I heard the joke "Horse medicine always brings you back to the two R's Referral or Rifle" Ha ha But I have gotten to do preg checks via ultrasound. I wont describe where the probe actually goes, but it is very cool to actually see what you have been palpating
Other equine happenings, Dental is tough to do on a horse and their teeth always need work. But it is heaps of fun putting on goggles picking up a massive electrical power floater and going for it. There are many nerve blocks to perform on a horse and for all different reasons. I need to straighten this out before exam time. A stallion mating is a scary very dangerous ordeal.
#2 No matter where you are or who your professor is if they teach repro, they will have the best crude sense of humour ever. Our professor introduces herself as the " Jack Off All Trades" Ha ha Male cows feel very different internally than female cows and you can actually manually stimulate them to give a sperm sample by rubbing a certain spot through the rectum (bet you wanted to know that) Electro ejaculation does not look fun at all in a bull or Ram. Soon we will be pulling calves
#3 Avian exotic and wildlife medicine still fascinates me and I am still such a huge fan of reptiles. The reptile industry and even exotic pet industry is not as big here yet but it is really growing.
#4 Radiology is all about using your "imaginoscope" It truly is. There are countless times when the professor points out a bone lesion on a slide and no matter how hard we look we cant see it at all. And we really cannot see the sunburst spicule pattern of the periosteal new bone. Maybe if I turn my head 90 degrees, squint one eye, pat my head and rub my tummy while hopping on one foot I might see it. Lung patterns are like those dot posters. Has anyone seen those? You stare long enough at a bunch of dots and you see "oh wow, a dolphin" Same with radiology, you can stare and stare and stare at an interstitial lung pattern and I swear I see a dolphin before the pathology I am supposed to be looking for HA HA
#5 Surgery is the most awesome thing in the world. It was everything I hoped it would be and more. Gastrotomy, enterectomy, enterotomy all done while the whole time being called Dr. Webb by the professors. We are in teams of three, anaesthetist, assistant and surgeon. I was the surgeon first for my group and it was amazing.
As you can see the first semester of fourth year is almost done and it is all fusing together kind of like the title to this blog. All I can say is I am plowing through this information the best I can. I have a paper due on a case study of a bearded dragon with Metabolic Bone Disease which I remember seeing plenty of them at Wikiup long ago and far away. Thank you Dr. Williams for the great introduction to exotics.
Speaking of exotics, I have applied for a clinical placement at the Melbourne Zoo for a month during the June July break which I really hope I might be able to get. It is very competitive with only 4 people selected out of all of Australia. I will be doing two weeks in Thailand over the Christmas break helping with the spay and neuter of the animals on the island of Koh Phangan. Check them out at PAC
Between those placements I hope to have quite a few weeks of my mandatory 12 weeks in extramural clinics done.
1 week so far at Jandakot Veterinary Hospital
1 week at Success Veterinary Hospital
Only 2 of 4 weeks count at the Melbourne Zoo
2 weeks at PAC in Thailand
Only 6 more to go!!! I am thinking 2 weeks in Esperance again with the large animal vet 1 week with a mixed practice vet that sees many alpaca cases, 2 weeks with a mobile vet that sees many alpaca cases, and 1 week with an ultrasound specialist.
I have to get through 4th year finals first though and they are going to be very tough. Especially the radiology part. I heard that one is absolutely horrible.
On the home front, the little cat Sebastian the Crab man has beaten all odds and he is a big beautiful pure white male cat. Even took a chance and had him castrated and vaccinated and everything went fine. I think his body has fought off the Coronavirus for now and his titers would be very very low. No FIP will get this little guy.
Steve has gone back out the oil rigs for the whole 3 weeks on 3 weeks off shifts. I miss him of course but it is great money and I am so busy studying and pracs and rotations that there is no better time to do that job than now. I joined a gym and go three times a week and it is a great feeling. It gives me heaps of energy and I wont complain about the hour long Latin Fever class at all. You work your abs, butt, and thighs to Latin music. Could there be any more perfect gym class for me ha ha!
I have finally quit the hospitality industry after 8 long years. No more passing beer over the counter to really drunk idiots and staying very late at night cleaning up huge messes. No more "would you like cracked pepper with that?" I try to work twice a week at the veterinary hospital and will pick up more shifts when it is possible. Everyone cut back their hours or even quit work altogether this year if possible.
So back to studying and finishing this paper I go. Sorry blogs are so infrequent now, I will try to be more frequent but it just seems like there is always something school related that has to get done.
Love everyone and hope to hear from you
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Get That Fire Hose of Information Out of My Face!
I have my sippy straw brain capacity and it is just not enough to comprehend this fire hose of information I have being thrown in my face. What does that all mean? It means I have started fourth year. You may be told many times that 4th year is full on but nothing actually prepares you for it. I am at uni in the same room and lecturers rotate to us. Three or four hours in the “dungeon” , 80 of us crammed into a tiny windowless usually too cold or waaaaay to hot room and then a one hour break and then 4 hours in a lab, practical, or rotation.
2008, SEMESTER 1
VET432 Surgical Principles & Anaesthesia
VET433 Diagnostic Imaging
VET435 Veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health 2008,
VET436 Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
VET437 Production Animal Health and Management
VET438 Equine Medicine and Surgery
VET439 Reproduction & Obstetrics
VET441 Avian Exotic Pets and Wildlife Medicine
2008, SEMESTER 2
VET401 Applied Veterinary Medicine I
It is the stuff I have waited for, all the interesting stuff, the stuff that really matters, but it is SOOOOO MUCH STUFF. The first lab was surgical hand scrubbing, as we all stood there in our surgery scrubs hands in the air we looked at eachother and the look of oh $%^& we are really going to be vets and be the ones DOING surgery not watching dawned on us. I have watched surgery for 9 years. I was still not prepared for the feeling I felt on Monday washing over me and saying I WILL BE IN CHARGE. I WILL BE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE.
I passed the first half and I have yet another BS this time called a BVSc a bachelor in veterinary science. Now it is time for the bachelor of veterinary medicine and surgery.
The lectures are interesting they are not on the webCT system so there is NO missing any part of class to go to work early. In fact there is hardly any work, only two shifts a week if that. My first rotation is Equine for 4 weeks on Thurs and Fri every week. We just did the physical exam of the horse and saw endoscopy which is really awesome. We were quizzed on all the anatomy we learned so long ago and I really don’t know how I passed the first time because I don’t remember any of those bones and ligaments (had to get rid of that info to allow pathology, pharmacology, and toxicology to have room). Next week is Equine dentistry.
We are learning everything there is to know about everything that has to do with radiology, and radiography. Even down to the photons and electrons in outer shells and all the physics which I thought I left behind YEARS ago. I love radiology, but NOT radiography. Cant I just follow the chart on the wall and point and shoot and still get my licence? Guess not, guess I have to know what is happening to the patient and me on the cellular level.
It is ironic that are lecturer on anaesthesia puts us to sleep. I am happy to say he has been the only one that is very hard to stay awake for. All the others are interesting, just so very very fast. You really have to know what is important to write down and what else you can look up.
Life outside of vet school? What life….he he. I went to big day out again this year with Steve and all his friends and had a great time. I cant believe a year has already passed since the last one. I have a small furry child running around the house. He is Sebastian the Crab Man our little cat. The little guy that was sooo sick and not going to make it to six months is bright and healthy and following me everywhere and throwing everything off my desk as we speak. He likes to eat anything on the floor and even follows you to the bathroom and sticks his little paw under why oh why can he not be where you are every second of every day, the little mischief maker
Steve is away on vacation on the gold coast with his dad but since he left before valentines day he surprised me on Tuesday. He took me to Kings Park overlooking the city and had a romantic picnic dinner all planned out. So thoughtful!!!
I have to go study more equine medicine and I will try to write to everyone who writes back individually. I just cut back on all my shifts at work so besides studying and more studying I wont be doing much else. But I must study as much as I can because now I have lives in my hands and I better know what I am doing, oh and I will have 12 finals as well so I sure as heck better keep up.
2008, SEMESTER 1
VET432 Surgical Principles & Anaesthesia
VET433 Diagnostic Imaging
VET435 Veterinary Epidemiology & Public Health 2008,
VET436 Small Animal Medicine & Surgery
VET437 Production Animal Health and Management
VET438 Equine Medicine and Surgery
VET439 Reproduction & Obstetrics
VET441 Avian Exotic Pets and Wildlife Medicine
2008, SEMESTER 2
VET401 Applied Veterinary Medicine I
It is the stuff I have waited for, all the interesting stuff, the stuff that really matters, but it is SOOOOO MUCH STUFF. The first lab was surgical hand scrubbing, as we all stood there in our surgery scrubs hands in the air we looked at eachother and the look of oh $%^& we are really going to be vets and be the ones DOING surgery not watching dawned on us. I have watched surgery for 9 years. I was still not prepared for the feeling I felt on Monday washing over me and saying I WILL BE IN CHARGE. I WILL BE THE ONE RESPONSIBLE.
I passed the first half and I have yet another BS this time called a BVSc a bachelor in veterinary science. Now it is time for the bachelor of veterinary medicine and surgery.
The lectures are interesting they are not on the webCT system so there is NO missing any part of class to go to work early. In fact there is hardly any work, only two shifts a week if that. My first rotation is Equine for 4 weeks on Thurs and Fri every week. We just did the physical exam of the horse and saw endoscopy which is really awesome. We were quizzed on all the anatomy we learned so long ago and I really don’t know how I passed the first time because I don’t remember any of those bones and ligaments (had to get rid of that info to allow pathology, pharmacology, and toxicology to have room). Next week is Equine dentistry.
We are learning everything there is to know about everything that has to do with radiology, and radiography. Even down to the photons and electrons in outer shells and all the physics which I thought I left behind YEARS ago. I love radiology, but NOT radiography. Cant I just follow the chart on the wall and point and shoot and still get my licence? Guess not, guess I have to know what is happening to the patient and me on the cellular level.
It is ironic that are lecturer on anaesthesia puts us to sleep. I am happy to say he has been the only one that is very hard to stay awake for. All the others are interesting, just so very very fast. You really have to know what is important to write down and what else you can look up.
Life outside of vet school? What life….he he. I went to big day out again this year with Steve and all his friends and had a great time. I cant believe a year has already passed since the last one. I have a small furry child running around the house. He is Sebastian the Crab Man our little cat. The little guy that was sooo sick and not going to make it to six months is bright and healthy and following me everywhere and throwing everything off my desk as we speak. He likes to eat anything on the floor and even follows you to the bathroom and sticks his little paw under why oh why can he not be where you are every second of every day, the little mischief maker
Steve is away on vacation on the gold coast with his dad but since he left before valentines day he surprised me on Tuesday. He took me to Kings Park overlooking the city and had a romantic picnic dinner all planned out. So thoughtful!!!
I have to go study more equine medicine and I will try to write to everyone who writes back individually. I just cut back on all my shifts at work so besides studying and more studying I wont be doing much else. But I must study as much as I can because now I have lives in my hands and I better know what I am doing, oh and I will have 12 finals as well so I sure as heck better keep up.
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Thinking Blogger Award!!!

I am so very excited to say I have been awarded a Thinking Blogger award by Nearly Dr. Ferox
I’m told there are rules that go with this award too. To quote Dr. Ferox:
There are rules attached to this award
1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
2. Acknowledge this post
3. Proudly display the Thinking Blogger Award with a link to the post that you wrote
**Of course all of these things are optional…it’s just a nice way to recognize your favorite blogs.
So, here are the five blogs I nominate to receive the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ from stinyexoticvet.
1. I Must Be Crazy
2. Nearly Dr. Ferox
3. Naiveterrain
4. Peterinarian
5. Voy al Caminero
Friday, January 25, 2008
Last Days :(
Well, Andrew has gone back and I miss him so much and so does Steve. He was great fun to have around. We succeeded in doing everything I hoped we could and showing him everything I wanted to. He loved going to the Seaview where I used to work and having Absinthe and lemonade and hanging out with my old co-workers and boss. He loved that darn pin ball machine as well. We were able to make it to a Sunday Session at the Left Bank his last Sunday here. I also had to squeeze in Little Creatures for his second to last night and my old Aussie "Family" showed up to meet him. Fatima, Jason, Sam, and Mikey, and then of course Steve, Jarron and Chrissy. Andrew got to finally try kangaroo and he liked it alot. I had a delicious prawn and cilantro pizza I split with Chrissy. Such good times and of course some good Little Creatures freshly brewed Pale Ale.
The next day, and last day was back to the Seaview for the last round of Absinthe and pinball. After that we headed over to Steve's parents house and had a huge dinner and they had a lovely cake for him as well. Thank you Steve, Nicole, Lynn, and Ken for all of your hospitality!!!
The next day, and last day was back to the Seaview for the last round of Absinthe and pinball. After that we headed over to Steve's parents house and had a huge dinner and they had a lovely cake for him as well. Thank you Steve, Nicole, Lynn, and Ken for all of your hospitality!!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Next: On to Rottnest. You cant really have someone come and visit and not take them to Rottnest. It is a little island only thirty minutes off the shores of Fremantle by ferry ride. We ate at the dome cafe over looking the water. Andrew had his 30 wt. Motor oil coffee, I swear that stuff could grease an engine, and I had some blended yummy sugar chocolate coffee thing of doom that kept me going for the next two days strait. We rented our bikes, because there are no cars on the island, and headed to the Kingstown Barracks Hostel where we would be staying for the evening and put all our stuff away. I have stayed at a few hostels so I knew what to expect...one shower and toilet to share and communal kitchen. Does not matter, you meet the coolest people at Hostels.
We rode back into town and after doing a bit of shopping we rented our snorkel gear with the intention of snorkeling all day. We passed the first bay and lo and behold there were about ten young ladies dancing on the beach and on a boat in their bikinis
giggling and drinking away. Sooooo what to do what to do, " I feel like a donkey stuck between two bales of hay who starves to death" Those were Andrews exact words Ha ha ha! He said he is going back to the grocery store and if there is still one case of Corona there then that means he is supposed to buy it and go back to that first beach.
Back to the store we go and sure enough there is a case of Corona. He puts that on his shoulder and we walk all the way back to the beach. He walks right down into the middle of all the Aussie girls and says who is thirsty. Needless to say we spent the whole day dancing and the beach and on the boat and playing beach cricket.
Went back to the Hostel and there to greet us on our doorstep were little critters the island was named after. Quokkas were everywhere. These little marsupials came right up to us. We went outside to take some photos and met some great guys who were from Queensland...Hawka, Macca, Thom the Pom, Alex from France, Avery from California, and Ethan. They made us a huge bowel of homemade vege soup and then we shared some drinks put our helmets on, I threw a little blaster in my bag with Bob Marley tunes and we jumped on our bikes and slowly rode our bikes back into town.
It was so nice with the wind blowing a little the stars out and all of us a bit tipsy biking around singing "Dont Worry About a Thing" Arrived at the pub and all the ladies were there and we watched Andrew dance the night away. Macca's bike was stolen so he got to ride on the back of Andrews bike on the way back to the hostel...it looked so funny.
The next morning Steve arrived and after a nice breakfast at the Dome again it was time for some snorkeling. Andrew and I were a bit hung over and we saw no reason for Steve to rent a bike so we walked to all the great snorkel spots. Saw an octopus and many other pretty fish. Steve loves to be under water, I think that is why he has yet another nickname...FISH...I just call him Scuba Steve. The water was a bit cold though so I had to keep coming back to land to warm up. Andrew and I are sitting there and we hear Andrews name being called from the top of the rocks over the next bay. Look into the distance and realize it is Macca...30 minutes later he swims into shore, I have no clue where he came from LOL. He joins us and we go off to the next bay where he swims with no fins or snorkel. Just a mask is it...WOW. The guys stay out in The Basin for hours chasin fishies and I join for a bit with a wet suit this time. Rottnest was so much fun!!!
We rode back into town and after doing a bit of shopping we rented our snorkel gear with the intention of snorkeling all day. We passed the first bay and lo and behold there were about ten young ladies dancing on the beach and on a boat in their bikinis
giggling and drinking away. Sooooo what to do what to do, " I feel like a donkey stuck between two bales of hay who starves to death" Those were Andrews exact words Ha ha ha! He said he is going back to the grocery store and if there is still one case of Corona there then that means he is supposed to buy it and go back to that first beach.
Back to the store we go and sure enough there is a case of Corona. He puts that on his shoulder and we walk all the way back to the beach. He walks right down into the middle of all the Aussie girls and says who is thirsty. Needless to say we spent the whole day dancing and the beach and on the boat and playing beach cricket.
Went back to the Hostel and there to greet us on our doorstep were little critters the island was named after. Quokkas were everywhere. These little marsupials came right up to us. We went outside to take some photos and met some great guys who were from Queensland...Hawka, Macca, Thom the Pom, Alex from France, Avery from California, and Ethan. They made us a huge bowel of homemade vege soup and then we shared some drinks put our helmets on, I threw a little blaster in my bag with Bob Marley tunes and we jumped on our bikes and slowly rode our bikes back into town.
It was so nice with the wind blowing a little the stars out and all of us a bit tipsy biking around singing "Dont Worry About a Thing" Arrived at the pub and all the ladies were there and we watched Andrew dance the night away. Macca's bike was stolen so he got to ride on the back of Andrews bike on the way back to the hostel...it looked so funny.
The next morning Steve arrived and after a nice breakfast at the Dome again it was time for some snorkeling. Andrew and I were a bit hung over and we saw no reason for Steve to rent a bike so we walked to all the great snorkel spots. Saw an octopus and many other pretty fish. Steve loves to be under water, I think that is why he has yet another nickname...FISH...I just call him Scuba Steve. The water was a bit cold though so I had to keep coming back to land to warm up. Andrew and I are sitting there and we hear Andrews name being called from the top of the rocks over the next bay. Look into the distance and realize it is Macca...30 minutes later he swims into shore, I have no clue where he came from LOL. He joins us and we go off to the next bay where he swims with no fins or snorkel. Just a mask is it...WOW. The guys stay out in The Basin for hours chasin fishies and I join for a bit with a wet suit this time. Rottnest was so much fun!!!
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